Product photography for Amazon is important as the buyer purchases the product online relying on the image of the product that is displayed on the website. It is desirable to have a professional photographer for the job. Who will deliver high quality images of the product. The product photographs for Amazon should showcase the product clearly in focus. Moreover, all the images should be consistent and maintain the brand image. They should be photographed, edited and exported according to the Amazon image guidelines. As there is plenty of competition, the images of the products are very important.
The images for Amazon should include all the details of the product. They should be photographed against a white background. The image should be well lit – not too dark or too bright.We, at COCO Creative Studio carry out these kind of shoots at our studio with a white backdrop and studio lights. In order to eliminate shadows and reflections, foam boards and reflectors are used. We often shoot by rolling the backdrop in a curved manner from behind the product towards the camera lens. This helps in cutting down the reflections and glares. Which results in a clean and straight forward display of the product.
Key points-
Visual elements play a vital role in online shopping. Amazon product photography is for online purchasing. Hence, the images should be aesthetically pleasing in order to attract customers.
The photographer could be photographing a single product or a catalogue of products. Therefore, the product should be photographed in various angles covering all the facets of the item. We usually shoot multiple images. After that we select the best ones before editing.
Furthermore, consistency is key. The product images for Amazon should be free from distractions. The photographer should respect the colour of the product. For this one can use a grey card to make sure the colour is true to the product. The size of the product should also be noted. It should not be photographed in a way in which it appears to be bigger or smaller than its original size.
Amazon image requirements-
One can refer to the image guidelines on the Amazon website for a complete understanding. These are a few requirements which one should keep in mind.
The images have to be of high quality. The main image should showcase the front of the product and the product should occupy 85% of the frame or more.
File format – JPEG, TIFF, PNG or GIF
Minimum size of the image – 1000 pixels
Colour mode – sRGB or CMYK
File name should include the product identifier
For more details on the image specifications one can visit the Amazon website.
However, photographing products for Amazon requires skill and expertise. The products should be photographed against a white backdrop. In order to achieve this a studio set up with artificial lights is highly recommended. If you are looking for a photography studio in Singapore please contact us. Incase you’re company is based is overseas you can ship the product to our Studio.
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